TC-MNMN-1.5, TC-MN Series, Test Cable 1.5m, N (M) to N (M) Brid
Harga | Rp 12.345.678,00 |
Berat | 900 gram |
Ketersediaan Barang | 5 |
Lebih Lengkap Mengenai TC-MNMN-1.5, TC-MN Series, Test Cable 1.5m, N (M) to N (M) Brid
TC-MNMN-1.5, TC-MN Series, Test Cable 1.5m, N (M) to N (M)
The TC-MN Series, Phase Stable, Test Cables are armored assemblies offering excellent electrical performance and low attenuation. These high precision components also offer a long life providing they are treated with the proper care and attention.
- Easy to Use
- Stable and Dependable